Module:  RV202

RV202 exam prep

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Exam prep video for November 2017 exams

Accounting 202 Test 1 Prep video

Views 757 Likes 7 Dislikes 1

This video is a summary of what you need to know for Test 1, as well as what you need to consider in terms of approach and method.

Rv202 test 2 review

Views 675 Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Review of test 2 - knowing what your weaknesses are will prepare you for the exams!

Intro to Accounting 202

Views 747 Likes 1 Dislikes 1

All you need to know about what to expect in Accounting 2 in second semester.

How to study and summarise in Accounting 202

Views 602 Likes 0 Dislikes 0

This video explains how to study for Accounting 2. Best tips ever.